Keeping Control

Access Denied

It’s important to understand what’s important, particularly when you use the services of others to perform some of your work. It’s simply too easy to give someone more control than they need, or more control than they deserve, and end up regretting it.

It’s actually surprisingly common to hear of businesses impacted because they gave excessive control over important aspects of their online presence to the wrong people. At best, this can result in lengthy and costly legal proceedings, and at worst, it can result in losing your domain and everything associated with it, including your web site and email address(es).

As I write this, the popular and important site is apparently in this situation. While I don’t know the specifics, I want to use it to highlight a series of important lessons we can learn about what’s important, why it’s important, and the most important thing of all.

Let’s look at how much control of our websites we give away at several levels: our content, content management system access, backups, email, hosting, DNS, and domain registration. Do you know who controls access to each of these crucial elements of your business and the ramifications of each?

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Basic Analytics

Basic Analytics

As part of setting up your website, I had you install Google Analytics. Now that your site has been running for a while, it’s time to see why I suggested that, and explore the most important pieces of information you can get from Google Analytics. Getting to Analytics Visit Google Analytics (, logging in with … Read more

Product, Service, or Cause?

Product, Service, or Cause?

Product, service, and cause are three types of efforts I’ve characterized as needing web sites. I’ll elaborate on what those mean.

Share URLs Correctly

Share URLs Correctly

You can make it easier on your audience by sharing links to your site or to other pages as clearly and as simply as possible.

Dealing With Haters

Dealing With Haters

Or, how I’ve come to love the haters and trolls in my life, and how you can too.

The Best Keyword Research Tool

The Best Keyword Research Tool

Many people spend a lot of time on keyword research, or worrying about keyword research. While it’s important, the best keyword research is already right in front of you.